FEBRUARY 2, 2005
FEBRUARY 2, 2005
Present: Peg Smith, Paula Badham, Laurie Rollins, Guy Michelier, Gina Daleiden, Tsui Chang, Mike Cawley, Roberto Avena, Lee Groen, Diane Gubatayo, Lynda Yancher
- Meeting was called to order by Gina Daleiden at 7:45 p.m. The
minutes of January, 2005 meeting were approved unanimously.
- Principal’s Report--Mike Cawley--The Renaissance Award Ceremony
took place this evening. It is put on by Student Leadership. On
modernization, drama now has 2 classes. The old gym is almost done,
along with the girls locker room. Humanities is probably 2 months from
completion. Bathrooms were effected by the modernization, but new
bathrooms are now open. Our Mock Trial Team is #1 I Yolo County. Also,
there will be an Academic Decathlon this Saturday, February 5th at 3:30
at Woodland Community College for those interested in attending.
- Introductions were made. Some new parents were in attendance.
- Counselor’s Report--Mike Cawley reported that the Monday and
Tuesday 10th Grade Parent Information Nights were well attended.
Counselors have met to work on next year’s planning. Also, they are
checking seniors credits to be sure they graduate. Counselors are very
grateful for listservs. Summer school information is going out to
students today.
- President’s Report--Peg Smith said Martha Gegan has got the 2008
listserv up and running. Thank you to the counselors and PTA greeters
that made Parent Information Night a success. One of the new parents
asked if it would be possible to have a key for all the acronyms such
as SAT ACT etc. With regard to ground beautification, Peg is thinking
of having various school clubs adopt and area that they would each
maintain throughout the entire school year. This would be in addition
to the major cleanups we already have. Peg will contact clubs to get
their support and ideas about doing this as a service for the
PTA has budgeted $1,500 for awards and scholarships. These will be used for three $350 scholarships, and two $200 teacher recognition awards. This year Peg would like to try something different for the Parent Award, since there are so many parents who put in a lot of time and effort. We will ask booster clubs for a list of the parents who volunteer, etc. and then have a recognition/thank you breakfast for all of them. Invitations would go out. Mike Cawley will bring this up at the next staff meeting.
The 107th PTA National Convention will be held in Columbus, Ohio June 24th through the 26th. Peg has information for anyone interested in attending.
In other 3rd District news, Peg read that now any child under 60 pounds must ride only in the back seat of a vehicle. Also, all California non-profits have been asked to keep a record of membership, and provide a list. Peg will determine exactly what the code allows us to do before proceeding. For privacy reasons, we will probably not send a list of all the names.
Peg passed out the openings for next year’s PTA Board. After discussion, some minor changes will be made.
Peg commented that she is impressed with the improvement in the school bathrooms over the years. There is a tremendous difference.
- Treasurer’s Report--The report was passed out. Total expenses for
the current month were $7,362.60, and year to date if $17,991.09. Cash
on hand is $22,676.45. There’s another $1,400 bill coming in on the
newsletter expense. Ann Reioux will perform the audit this year.
With the correction of Donation-Challenge Grant, the Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously.
We have a request to support a female student to attend Girls State. The American Legion sponsors a male student and American Legion Auxiliary sponsors the female, but is not funded. $330 is the cost. After discussion the following motion was made:
It was moved that PTA add $330 to the Student Aid Expense budget to cover the cost for Girls State and that the student will report back to students and school, perhaps with a presentation at an assembly, and an article in the newspaper. The motion was approved unanimously.
Gina announced the three donors of the $5,000 challenge grant are Bill Roe, Bill Streng, and Dave Schultze.
The fundraising letter has not gone out yet. The PTA letterhead has been designed for the letter. We will need volunteers for a mailing party to get the letter out. The major recipient of the fundraiser will be the library with the remainder going to science.
A motion was made that we provide $10,750 for the library and have the remainder go to the Science Department. This motion was passed unanimously.
- Committee Reports--none given
- Old Business--Peg attended the School Board meeting and the
decision was to delay Made Ranch School until 2006.
- New Business--Tsui said a parent asked if there could be a staff
list by department on the website. Peg will get the list from Sharon
Talesfore so that Tsui can post to our website.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paula Badham
DHS PTA Secretary