September 1, 2004
Present: Peg Smith, Paula Badham, Mike Cawley, Carla Lehn, Guy Michelier, Heidi Loper, Carol Curinga, Laurie Rollins, Brett Stone, Michelle Reardon, Gail Heckemeyer, Tsui Chang, Lynda Yancher, Dae Hee (David) Lee, Naray Eggleston, Diane Gubatayao, Bernadette Swanson, Jonathan Rothman & Carrie ?, Sonya Rinkus, Linda Cacciato, Pat Moore-Pickett, Don Peri, Sharla Harrington, Zuping Tang, Ofilia Guzman, Jean Shepard, Jennie Woo, Sally Andrews, Shauna Manner, Sue Vigano, Nancy Caudell-Wigley, Jeff Weidemann, Julie Maxwell, Barb Engel, Kathy Vidmar, Gina Werfel, Susan McPhee, Terry Dunlap, Janet Hill, Barbara Fox Juchau, Roni & Stephen White, Karen Quintanilla, Eunjoo Pank, Jennifer Chan, Marsha Mohtes-Chan, Charlotte Xanders, Dorothy Meehan, Corinne Esser, Linda Cheung, Gina Daleiden
Meeting called to order at 7:35 by Peg Smith
- Welcome and Introductions - Peg Smith, President
Peg welcomed everyone. To save time, no individual introductions were made at this time.
- Acceptance of Minutes-The minutes of June 1, 2004 were accepted
- President's Report - Peg Smith
Peg explained the purpose of the PTA to support education. Money is raised to help both students and the staff. Everyone is welcome! Fresh ideas are always needed.
Thanks to all those volunteers who worked during the summer. 30 volunteers stuffed packets and 50 worked on registration. Treasurer Carla Lehn put in hours of work. Thanks to the listserv coordinators, Gail Heckemeyer, Ann Bistolfo, and Mary Velinsky. Thanks to Tsui Chang. An online newsletter is coming soon. A dinner was held this summer for the custodians.
Board Vacancies - Representatives are needed for Scholarship Program, Newsletter Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, and help setting up the Student Directly. Contact Peg Smith by phone or on the website.
- Treasurer's Report-Carla Lehn
Carla distributed the proposed Budget for July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 and the Treasurer’s Report for July 1 through August 29, 2004, and the Year Report for 2003-2004. The donation solicitation letter has not gone out yet. There is a surplus of $8,685 to carry over into this year’s budget. The proposed budget is basic. It is not set in stone. This is a formality to work from and new parents are encouraged to give us input. Carla reviewed the July 1st through August 29th 2004 report. We currently have $20,327 in the bank. The proposed budget for the next year is $33,200 in Income and $37,775 in Expenses. The balance on hand is $20,327 leaving a proposed surplus of $4,110 for 04/05.
A motion to approve the proposed budget for 2004-2005 was passed unanimously.
Q. Are tutors available? A. Yes and they focus on science and math. It’s a very flexible program involving older students helping as tutors.
Q. How do we learn about the tutors? A. It is announced in the bulletin. Teachers announce as well. The math and science teachers choose and they also manage it. PTA just funds it.
- Student Representative Reports-Torsten Christian , Class of 2006
reported their first meeting will be tomorrow and will concentrate on
homecoming and the prom. David Choy, Sr. Class President reported the
theme has been set for homecoming and float ideas are being worked on.
They need a float set up location.
- Principal's Report - Mike Cawley
Modernization Update--In the "P" wing 10 classrooms are done. The Choir/Band should be ready by late November (Mike thinks February may be more like it) and the auditorium by December. One half of the school is being modernized (paint, carpets, lighting etc.). Other completion dates include the metal shop by 9/10, the Educated Eatery by 9/03, H Building by 11/19, the weight and dance rooms and small gym by 10/01. He has asked if that date could be moved up. Drama becomes 2 classrooms-by 11/20, the C building for teacher’s offices by 12/17, the girls locker room by 11/9 and the boys by 1/13.
With regard to lockers, there are 182 new lockers to be assigned. The locker problem should be solved soon per Peg. The goal is 1 locker per student so sharing is not necessary.
The portables are not part of the modernization.
Q. Why is there jack hammering during the day? A. This should be during school.
Q. The weight room equipment is old and rusty. Will there be new equipment? A. No This idea was jotted down as a possible idea for a fund raiser.
Q. Are the boys and girls having P.E. with lockers being remodeled? A. Yes, they are divided by a partition.
Q. Where can we get help finding a book locker? A. There is a legend in the office showing locations of all lockers. Go to the front desk or ask a campus supervisor. New lockers are being assigned as quickly as possible.
Q. Can the legend be posted? A. No, we are trying to eliminate as much paper postings as possible. Next year it will be posted.
Q. There is only 1 staircase going down in the P building. What happens in a fire drill? A. There are 2 stairs-one at each end of the building. There is an emergency plan in effect and students are being taught the various codes.
- Assistant Principal's Report-Heidi Loper
The bulletin is read everyday on the intercom and on paper in the office and online. Some classes cannot hear it. If they are concerned, go to the office or get online. Go to the website for the daily bulletin.
Heidi asked for patience on the lockers. Those who are patient will get a good location in the center of the school.
Collaborations for the year will be once a month to go over teaching standards and curriculum and an action plan. There is no collaboration during testing. This happens more in the spring. Refer to the daily bulletin through the website for information.
Q. What is the block time on Wednesday and Thursday? A. Wednesday includes periods 1,2,4 & 6 and Thursday includes periods 1,3,5 &7 and dismissal is at 2:30 on those days.
Q. Is there a 3rd assistant principal. A. Yes, John Lammon who is in charge of the Sophomore class.
Mike Cawley announced that the A.P.I. Scores are out. DHS was 835-up 20% and he is very proud of this accomplishment. Most high schools never reach this high of a score.
- Counselor's Report - Carol Curinga
With the schedules going out in May, they were able to fix problems in advance. 215 courses are offered and 100 students are still shopping. Everyone is guaranteed the classes they desire.
On September 22/23, seniors will get information on how to apply to college. This will be during lunch. SAT I for the class of 2005 has different rules than that for the 2006/2007 classes. A new SAT I is being offered in March. Juniors must take the new SAT I . Information will be in the PTA Newsletter by mid-October . If Sophomores take the exam, the score does not count. Use to apply for the SAT and PSAT. The Career Center has 8,000 schools in the data base.
Q. Is it ok to take easier classes in the senior year? A. A student who wants to be competitive should not take an easy load in their senior year. There are, however, concerns about taking too many A.P. classes. Students need to find a balance.
Carol reported on Pathway Days which are 4 times per year. There are guest speakers in several different career areas. All grade levels can come. It is on a first come first serve basis.
- Teacher Representative - none designated yet
- Parent Representative Advisory Committee information
Peg explained about the Advisory committees which get together to problem solve.
Site Council - Each school has a site council that meets once per month. Administration, parents, and teachers discuss needs and disburse funds.
Curriculum & Instruction - Department chairs and parents discuss adopting new courses. It’s a good way to know school and teachers.
GATE - Any interested parents can participate. Meetings are at District Office.
Climate - Students meet monthly. Plan Human Relations Day. This has the best participation. All are welcome.
English Learner
Leadership - Focus on overall picture of the school--human relations activities etc.
Special Ed. - The Resource Center and Full Inclusion share
- Committee Reports
Principal Cawley reported that DaVinci started this year to meet the needs of many of our students. They are in need of lunch tables. A $642 contribution is needed from PTA for 1 table. This is just a start, as more will be needed later. The table is wheelchair accessible. A motion was made to allocate $642 to purchase a table. The motion was unanimously passed.
Membership - Guy Michelier reported we have membership of 468 which does not include staff at this time.
Student Directory- Guy Michelier -Guy needs help with this! He would like 2 people to assist him.
Ways and Means - Laurie Rollins is eliciting ideas on how to spend the PTA funds. The goal is to wrap up fundraising by early February. Forward any ideas to her.
A parent reported the Band/Performing arts needs $15,000 for furnishings. They are working on fundraisers now.
The meeting was adjourned by Peg Smith at 9:12 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paula Badham
DHS PTA Secretary