April 6, 2005
Present: Peg Smith, Paula Badham, Laurie Rollins , Tsui Chang, Mike
Cawley, Heidi Loper, Peter Hess, Carla Lehn, Guy Michelier, Andres
Uyeda , Penny Smith, Lynda Yancher
- Meeting was called to order by Peg Smith at 7:29 p.m. The minutes
of March,, 2005 meeting were approved unanimously.
- President's Comments
Lynda Yancher, Hospitality, will need another coordinator for next year to help. Lynda is planning for staff appreciation week, May 1st through May 7th. This will be for all teachers as well as classified staff.
Penny Smith spoke to the PTA about the need for a storage shed to store golf equipment. It would save 10-15 minutes of class time that is now used to go and get the equipment. She's checked into cost for a shed and it would be around $917 including shipping and tax. This shed would also store baseball equipment. Peg Smith will check with facilities first. So by next board meeting, we can made a decision.
- Student Representative Reports--Peter Hess, Sophomore Class
Representative reported they have had 2 meetings. They decided not to
do the photo buttons at the Bogus Ball since Lifetouch gave a better
deal to students. They sold glow sticks and lost $200 in the process.
They priced them at $1.50 which did not work out. Now they are going to
try a recycling program.
- Treasurer's Report--Carla Lehn--The solicitation letter has brought
in $7,699 and money is still coming in. Student Aid has $1,000 budgeted
. We've used some for Girls' State. We may be able to increase this
amount. We have $670 left in budget, but if more is needed, Carla
advised counselors to let her know. Balance on hand 3/31/05 was
$25,456.02. Deb Kimokeo, Crises Counselor, needs $200 for resources.
This will help families she’s been working with this year. We need to
pay out the monies promised to the library and Science Department
before responding to any other requests for money.
A motion was made to issue a check up to $11,000 to fund the library news bank and was passed unanimously.
The remainder will go to the science department. Another reminder will be going out on the website.
- Counselor’s Report--Andres Uyeda made a power point presentation
covering everything the counseling department does. This was previously
presented to the School Board. At open house, counselors will be in
Career Center. Free caps and gowns and reduced year books are available
to Seniors who need it.
- Principal’s Report--Mike Cawley--The Academic Performance Index
(API) is a tool used by the state. We were ranked 10 on a scale of 1 to
10 in the March API. We did very well and Mike is proud of us. Security
Cameras are being considered for our campus. There would be 10-20
cameras pointing out. They are motion activated and operate only during
the night. The cost is $30,000, but we had $30,000 in losses last year,
so it would be worth it and would be a good deterent to crime. It would
be paid by the district. Our insurance deductible is now $5,000. There
were no significant concerns raised by members of the PTA present at
this meeting. Collaboration Day meeting times are under discussion .
Our staff prefers a.m. to p.m. times for collaboration. We are getting
bigger, faster copy machines that will provide us more copies for
- Vice-Principal’s Report--Heidi Loper--Deb Kimokeo --gave us
information regarding alcohol/binge drinking (also in Spanish). Do we
want a parent information night on alcohol? Human Relations Week is
coming up. There will be 2 assemblies. One will be school wide and
displays multi cultural talents of students. After May 3rd, there are
no more late starts. The schedule for STAR testing has been finalized.
95% must test and if we get 30 to 40 waivers, we might not make the
95%. The students singing waivers must sign in at the library. They
will still need any absences excused. This Friday, the district office
and junior highs meets to review the English Language learners
- Old Business--Peg reported on the Pioneer School stranger approach.
The information will be on listserv. With regard to parking, a parent
asked if we could use staff parking. We need to keep those available to
staff. Homework policy will be in the next newsletter, along with
parking policies. We will need a PTA liaison next year for DPSF (Davis
Public Schools Foundation). Volunteers are needed this Saturday for
campus cleanup.
- Committee Report--Tsui Chang reported on behalf of Listserv
Coordinator Dorothy Yerxa who was absent due to a schedule conflict. In
March Listserv Committee meeting, a question was raised about how to
get athletic training/tryout information requested by parents. In the
subsequent discussion, several suggestions were offered to improve
communication, which will especially help new students and those not
already on a team. Peg Smith and Michael Cawley will follow up on
The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted.
DHS PTA Secretary