March 2, 2005
March 2, 2005
Present: Peg Smith, Paula Badham, Laurie Rollins, Gina Daleiden, Tsui Chang, Mike Cawley, Heidi Loper, Jean Meyer, Sally Ryen, Eva Hess, Peter Hess, Carla Lehn,
- Meeting was called to order by Peg Smith at 7:32 p.m. The minutes
of February, 2005 meeting were approved unanimously.
- President's Comments
Blue and White Foundation is an alumni foundation soliciting donations for the school. The primary focus now is athletics facilities. Marty Morse, President of Blue and White Foundation then made a presentation to the PTA and handed out brochures. His goal is to keep the foundation going for decades to support Davis High School. The present project is the Dewey Holden Field Stadium Project. Our stadium is in need of improvements. They currently have raised $60,000 and want to raise $1,000,000. It is a 3-year campaign. On June 24th they are having a golf tournament. They plan on having wine and horsd'oeuvre events. Due to our present poor facilities, we don't even have graduation ceremonies at the high school. The website for information is
Outstanding Educator - nominations are coming in. This does not have to be a teacher. It can be anyone who is an educator. The deadline is May 1st. Susan Cottrell will be the Newsletter Editor for 2005-2006. Board positions for next year are being solicited. We need to get a nominations committee together by April. Peg said she will head up the nominations committee. So on listserv Peg will call for 3 members and 2 alternates. We have requests for funding from the Academic Decathlon--$315 and the Math Honor Society who need $500 to enter the contest. Hospitality had a breakfast Tuesday for the staff. Hospitality is planning a Senior parent breakfast for those who have volunteered. Help is needed for this event. It will be Tuesday, May 10th. We are accumulating names of Junior and Sophomore parents to help. Invites should go out the first of April. Peg then read a letter from Dorothy Yerxa, DHS listserv coordinator. She gave thanks to counselors, PTA, DCN (Davis Community Network) and Tsui Chang for the assistance and help provided to the listserv coordinators.
- Student Representative Reports-Peter Hess reported they have had
one meeting and are looking at ways of boosting the budget. They had
rose sales. At the Bogus Ball they will do Polaroid pictures and put on
- Vice-Principal's Report--Heidi Loper--CASHEE testing for 10th
graders is coming up in 2 weeks and 60 volunteers are needed. Star
tests are coming up in April. Heidi passed out a sheet with STAR
Testing Schedule Options. Star tests have been shortened. The tests are
entirely untimed. All tests will be in one setting which is much
easier. Option #1 is 2 weeks with 7 days of testing. Option #2 is 1
week with 4 days of testing with much longer testing periods. Option
#3A is 1 week and teachers do not test own students and option #3B is 2
weeks and teachers do not test own students. They are leaning towards
option #2.
- Treasurer's Report-Carla Lehn handed out the February report. The
newsletter expense of $391.77 was the only expense this month and there
was no income for the month. Balance on hand 2/28/05 was $22,284.68.
The audit was done by Ann Reioux and read "I have examined the records
and find them to be correct."
A motion was made to accept the Audit Report and the Treasurer's Report and was passed unanimously.
Laurie Rollins reports that the mailing for the February Unfundraiser will be going out March 3rd.
With regard to the fund requests we received, Mike Cawley suggested that we offer more than the $315 for the Academic Decathlon. The money will come from special Projects per Carla.
With regard to the Math Honor Society request for $500, Peg will ask Dan Gonzales for more information.
A motion was made to provide $450 for Academic Decathlon for travel expenses which will come from Special Projects and was passed unanimously.
- Principal's Report--Mike Cawley thanked hospitality for the
breakfast provided on Tuesday. The modernization is drawing to a close.
The girls locker room is open and the boys is being worked on.
Humanities is ready and March 18th is the completion date. With regard
to the recent vandalisms occurring at Davis churches and schools,
students and gathering tomorrow at noon in the quad for a moment of
silence then marching downtown. At 2:35 there will be a students only
town hall meeting in the MPR.
- Counselor's Report--Jean Meyer--On February 18th a presentation was
made to the board giving a brief summary of courses. It runs about 10
minutes and we will get to see at our next PTA meeting. Program
planning collection has just finished and counselors now have more
time. College Night for Junior and Senior parents will be in the MPR on
March 3rd. Students are acting positively to the recent "hate crimes"
showing their concern.
- Old Business--none reported
- New Business--For Parent Ed. Bigotry/racism has been suggested as a
subject. Jan Murray Garcia of Youth in Focus has offered her
A motion was made by Mike Cawley that PTA give a $500 honorarium to Youth In Focus and this was passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paula Badham
DHS PTA Secretary