May 4, 2005
Parent Ed. Topic: Beyond Tolerance: To Understanding and Acceptance at 6:30 p.m.
Present: Peg Smith, Paula Badham, Tsui Chang, Mike Cawley, Heidi Loper, Peter Hess, Sally Ryen, Barbara Engel, Courtenay Tessler, Roni White, Carla Lehn, Linda Souza, Kathy Magrioo, Janet Berry, Gina Daleiden.
- Meeting was called to order by Peg Smith at 7:52 p.m. The minutes of April 2005 meeting were approved unanimously.
- Student Representative Reports--Peter Hess, Sophomore Class, reported that they are looking into recycling to raise funds.
- Davis Schools Foundation --Janet Berry said the Davis Schools Foundation has been established to supplement existing programs and services in the public schools. They are raising funds for district-wide programs. They are a non profit corporation working independently of and collaboratively with the Davis Joint Unified School District. The board consists of parent and community leaders. They surveyed PTAs, site councils, and principals to determine what is needed most. Funds for libraries was on the top of most lists. They hope to raise $700,000. They are going to corporations and companies requesting widespread community support. Go to the website,, for more information. Upcoming events are listed there, such as the golf tournament coming up. Janet said that Vacaville is a good model and have been very successful in fundraising. The funds will be disbursed based on a survey. The High School, and Junior Highs would get more based on the number of students. It is a volunteer organization with all money going to the schools. They would like a school site person from each school to attend their monthly meetings. This is separate from the Davis Education Foundation which has been around for 20 years. Their focus is the Farm to School (crunch lunch).
- Treasurer’s Report--Carla Lehn--Income this month from solicitation totaled $1,780, bringing our year to date total at $14,479.00 for challenge grant/solicitation. The Student Aid expense is for kids who can’t afford things and we will make sure this items continues and carries over. We had $1,000 budgeted and now have $670 left. Courtnenay says lot of requests come to her for financial needs of the seniors. She will ask the staff if there are any needs. We will keep $1,000 in Student Aid for next year’s budget.
- Principal’s Report--Mike Cawley--Modernization is almost done. The administration and library buildings will be painted this summer. Star make-ups were last week. A.P. testing is this week. We got awarded for our Sloughs Program at the Striving for Excellence Dinner.
- Counselor’s Report--Courtenay Tessler--They are working on the master schedule, but it won’t be out by the end of the school year. The final exam schedule is out. May 18th is Private College Night and May 12th is the Youth in Focus Program. They are currently tracking 120 students that may not graduate. Last year 35 went to summer school programs and only 3-5 students could not walk.
- Vice-Principal’s Report--Heidi Loper--They had a Facilities meeting yesterday. Teachers will now have access to grades, star date, etc. There is a great new tool for this now. Collaboration times were discussed with parents and teachers at the District office. Teachers are unanimously in favor of a Wednesday collaboration time. First period would be eliminated that day. A decision has not been made yet.
- Committee Reports--Peg Smith--We have received 7 nominations for the PTA Student Awards. There will be three awarded. We have received 5 nominations for outstanding educator. Gail Heckemeyer has agreed to work with myself and Mr. Cawley. Two Outstanding educator awards will be announced at the staff appreciation luncheon. At Superintendent‘s Advisory there was a report on the Community task force to conduct best use of schools survey. Committee will be comprised of seven community members with either expertise or strong education community involvement. The task force will report directly to the DJUSD Board. In the Unfundraiser, $10,750 goes to the library and approx. $3,700 to Science. Peg distributed a list of the Board nominations for next year. A motion was made that we accept the names submitted for the PTA Board and was passed unanimously. To celebrate the Week of the Teacher, Hospitality is giving notes to teachers, flowers and a luncheon on Friday. On May 31st we are planning a dessert reception before the PTA meeting for Senior parent volunteers. Also, we will be getting a shed for sports equipment. No funding figured yet, but it is very much needed.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paula Badham DHS PTA Secretary