December 1, 2004
Present: Peg Smith, Paula Badham, Mike Cawley, Jean Meyer, Melanie Gibler, Gina Daleiden, Guy Michelier, Lynda Yancher, Carla Lehn, Torsten Christian, Heidi Loper, Sally Ryen
- Meeting was called to order by Peg Smith, President at 7:39 p.m.
Introductions were made. The November minutes were approved with
- President’s Comments--Peg said the Newcomers Welcome went well with
a good supportive group in attendance. Campus beautification will take
place in December. Peg will coordinate efforts with student government.
Parent Ed information is in the newsletter. "Talking to Teens About
Sex" will be at Holmes on January 13th from 7-9p.m. given by Sue
Simonson. Also, a free workshop for "Parents of Unruly Teens" (POUT)
will be held on January 6th at the Yolo County Public Library from 7-9
p.m. You must sign up for these. Darlene Hunter will also be coming to
speak about applying to U.C.s. Future ideas for parent ed were
discussed and we will look into having one on Drugs and Alcohol from a
teacher parent angle. Heidi Loper explained all the resources the
school has available for problems in this area and we could let parents
know. Students input will be very helpful. Tsui suggested magnets as
additional outreach efforts, sending them to DHS families with crucial
information printed on it. A student representative suggested buttons,
and will follow-up with student government. The Run for Life is a
Cancer Society fundraiser and perhaps we would like to have a
- Student Representatives Reports-The Senior Ball will be May 19th at
the Radisson Hotel. Bids are now available. Torsten reported on the
Junior Prom. The cost is now $60 per couple. They need volunteers,
plates, cups, food, etc.
- Treasurer’s Report-Carla Lehn-She explained how the Treasurer’s
Report is divided into columns. The first section shows current month’s
activity, the second shows what we’ve spent so far this year, and the
third shows what the budget is for the 2004 to 2005 year. Be sure to
send Carla receipts to get reimbursed. We received $61.13 from, a great programs we should all be using. The current
balance on hand in the bank account is $29,257.42.
- Principal’s Report-Mike Cawley reports that the Girls and Boys
Cross Country teams were Division 1 Sac Joaquin champs. Also Girls
Tennis and Girls Water polo teams were Division 1 Sac Joaquin champs.
On November 18th the new Performing Arts ($9.2 million) building was
dedicated. Mike attended the Siemens Westinghouse Science Competition
at U.C.Berkeley, where Fan Yang, a senior, presented her project on
dental caries. Our science department received $2,000 and Fan received
Vandals used a hose and caused extensive water damage to O5 about 3 weeks ago. The carpet had to be removed and damage repaired.
Mike is getting married on June 25, 2005.
- Vice-Principal's Report-Heidi Loper reports preparations for the
high school exam are underway. Booklets will be going out to
math/English classes. The after school program is running and drop ins
are welcome. It's held in the C building Monday through Thursday. About
35 attend. Students receive 2 ½ credits. There are 2 UCD aides and
different teachers helping out. It is set up in 2 rooms. One room is
quiet and the other is for tutoring and discussions. Money is needed
from the PTA to keep the program going. This helps provide snacks.
A motion was made that we support the After School Program with $500 and was passed unanimously.
- Counselor’s Report-Jean Meyer reports she was pleased with the
Student Success Workshop held on November 17th. Second quarter progress
reports are going out. See counselors in January for new class changes
and what to take next year. Our counselors rely on LISTSERV to get out
information. Also, email is a great way to ask questions. The 9th grade
parent night will be in early February. No date set yet. College
Information Night for Juniors and their parents will be March 3, 2005.
Tenth graders will be receiving college counseling soon. CS/CSU
requirements are changing. For example, a year long art class will be
- Committee Reports
Guy Michelier reports that the Student Directories are done! There are 900 to be put into envelopes. He needs help. He will put in the bulletin that they are going out or you can purchase for $6 in the office. Our current PTA membership stands at 1,054 (including 11 staff).
Advisory-PTA is neither for nor against Covell Partners. Tahir will provide a sheet outlining what the agreement is for any development going on.
- Old Business-Lynda Yancher reported that hospitality is providing breakfast next Tuesday morning for the teachers. Gina Daleiden said we have a donation somewhere around $5,000-$7,000 for a school project, and item, such as a marquee sign. It may not necessarily end up being a sign since the price of the sign is higher than the potential donation.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paula Badham DHS PTA Secretary