January 5, 2005
Present: Peg Smith, Paula Badham, Mike Cawley, Tsui Chang, Laurie
Rollins, Torsten Christian, Jennifer Elmore, Kathy Vidmar, Gina
Daleiden, Barb Engel, Catherine Louie, Marsha Mohtes-Chan, Heidi
- Meeting was called to order by Peg Smith at 7:32 p.m. Introductions
were made. The minutes of the December, 2004 meeting were approved
- President’s Report--Peg encouraged everyone to go online for the
newsletter. The next parent ed. Class will be at 6:30 on February 2
just prior to the next PTA meeting. Michelle Famula will speak on
Meaningful Communication with your Student with Regard to Alcohol use
and Other Risky Behaviors. PTA has had a successful year. Directories
are out thanks to good teamwork. Parent Education is going well. Future
topics will go on the website to see where the interest is. The budget
is going well. We have increased membership. Survival Guide for Seniors
has been reviewed. Listserv is functioning well. We need to staff the
board for next year. With declining revenues from state funding in the
last school year DJUSD made 1.2 million in budget cuts. This brings the
total in budget cuts for the last two year to approximately 2.5
million. The Mace Ranch elementary school was built with local
facilities ,bond monies, and matching state facilities bond monies.
State budget cuts in education funding for the general fund at DJUSD
means that there is less funding for ongoing program and expenses in
our district. General fund is not to be used to fund facilities and
facilities funding cannot be moved to fund general programs and
expenses. The typical expenditure required to open a K-6 school is
approximately $450,000. This funding would need to be found within the
general budget. The Board of Education has requested staff to look into
a variety of funding scenarios that would allow for the opening of Mace
Ranch Elementary as a K. K-1 or K-3 school in 2005 or 2006. Discussion
of the current budget impacts at DHS and subsequent possible reductions
- Student Representative Reports--There was $8,000 profit from the
December 11th prom. Everyone worked hard. The money will go for class
gifts, senior ball etc. Peg asked for ideas for a project PTA could
- Treasurer’s Report--Gina Daleiden and Laurie Rollins--With regard
to small grants the proposed projects we received from staff are:
Science-2 lab carts
English-dictionaries, thesauri, heavy duty whole punch, supplemental materials for CA LIT class
IT-computer & engineering tract, Cisco & NERSC trip
Health-Large screen TV
Foreign Language-3 video cameras, tripods, 2 digital cameras
We've funded something for 6 out of 11 curricular departments. A motion was made to approve the small grant projects and was passed unanimously. Gina passed around a proposed Direct Donation Letter which should go out the first week in February. The library funding has gone down from $2.00 per student to $.75. Magazine subscriptions are gone. The book buying budget is down, so the library may be one of our main projects for a donation. Our letter that goes out needs to be specific about what we want. Also, there is a need for outside lunch tables. We will use the library as the main target of donations. A motion was made that the thrust of our February fundraiser be focused toward the needs of the library and was passed unanimously.
- Principal's Report--Mike Cawley -There will be an athletic
realignment. If the proposal goes through we will be in the Elk Grove
area league which includes Nevada Union (football) only and Grant etc.
Travel time will be better. On modernization, the "O" building should
be done next week and "C" offices by Friday. Humanities will be
mid-February. By January 25th classrooms will be done in Performing
Arts building. The old gyn has new bleachers. The Girl's locker room is
almost done and the boys should be done by mid-February. We are also
looking into security cameras for the school.
- Counselor's Report-Jennifer Elmore-Counselors are planning for
February when they do program planning for the next school year.
Students are meeting with counselors to make schedule changes for
spring semester. There is a newsletter clarification--the SAT II
requirements are for U.C. bound seniors. On January 13th at 7:30 there
will be a financial aid workshop for senior students and parents. We’ve
also secured a Spanish speaking person who will go out to all Spanish
speaking senior parents. Seniors need to keep up their grades, as
senior grades determine grant money. Some C.S.U.s are still accepting
applications. Sophomore information night is coming up. It should be
January 31st.
- Vice-Principal's Report-Heidi Loper is busy with procedures and
scheduling and the course catalogs are being updated. Also working on
room assignments. With regard to C. & I. (Curriculum &
Instruction), minutes are needed and Heidi will look into that.
- Teacher's Report-none given.
- Committee Reports--Tsui reports that the 2008 listserv is up and
- New Business--We discussed what stand the PTA would take at tomorrow night’s board meeting with regard to the opening of the new elementary school in East Davis. Peg Smith will attend the meeting as our representative. A motion was made that Peg Smith will attend the board meeting to represent Davis High School to protect the integrity of Davis High School's education program in light of budget cuts. The motion was passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:16p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paula Badham,
PTA Secretary