January 7, 2009
Date: Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Time: 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
In Attendance
Kathy Magrino, Susan Nicoll, Joan Crawford, Carl Vandagniff, Cathy Pereira, Sheila Smith, Jane Schafer Kramer, Elizabeth Tinsley, Cathy Farman, Jenny Kobold, Amy Schulte, Sandra S., Stacey Black, Michael Cawley, Riley S., Spencer B., Bob Doren, Leslie Brumer, Dorian Signori.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by President Kathy Magrino
Approval of November Minutes
Minutes from the December meeting were reviewed and approved.
Student Reports
Riley S., senior, presented for the junior class on behalf of Jessica. W., who was absent. The class grossed $22,000 from the prom. The senior class is having its first dance, “Let’s Glow Crazy”, on February 13. This is a black light themed dance and all students will be requested to wear white. “Break the Record” is also that night. The Senior Walk-In Movie will be held on the football field on April 24. Seniors will pick their class song at this event.
Spencer B, sophomore class presented. The sophomore class is hosting the Sahiah International Auction on Friday from 7-9 in the MPR. The art auction, consisting mostly of art and photographs by DHS students, will raise money to support HIV positive children in India. The jazz choir will perform.
Action: PTA will advertise the auction on the list serve.
Teacher Reports
Amy Schulte reported that the City of Davis and DJUSD are co-sponsoring an evening with an expert in Substance Abuse, Dependency, Family Boundaries, Prevention & Treatment on Tuesday, March 10, from 7-9 in the Vet’s Memorial Building. Ms. Schulte also relayed a thank you from Jeannie Pettigrew, Home Economics, for the new Reader’s Digest Guide to Sewing text books, and a thank you from the Drama Department for the laser printer. The Drama Department is holding auditions for their spring production of “The Laramie Project”. Finally, the Ag Department received a $10,000.00 grant from TS Glide, which will be used to help purchase a van.
Counselor’s Report
Cathy Pereira reported that the second semester starts next week. The counseling department is passing out planners to the Junior Highs. There will be three new classes next year: ROP auto, ROP fashion, a Baroque music class, and for this spring, a new Independent PE class.
Principal’s Report
Principal Cawley reported that Courtney Tessler and Kevin Williams are going to the inauguration. All of the money was raised for 70 students to go, as well, and a reporter from the Sacramento Bee will be with them. Mr. Cawley also reported that the attendance rate is up; it is improving every month. The final exam schedule is also out.
Vice-Principal’s Report
Vice-Principal Sheila Smith said that the fourth version of the new Tardy Policy is in review. The goal is to have the new policy implemented by this summer. The new policy is a progressive policy and will state the school’s philosophy as well as everyone’s role.
Treasurer’s Report
Stacy Black reported that there has been very little expense activity this past month. More money from scrip has come in: The budgeted amount was $500.00 and $436.00 has already come in, with Nugget scrip the most profitable. There is currently $27,890.00 in the checking account.
Grant Update
The grant for Spanish language materials submitted by Gabrielle Jimenez Tabor was reviewed. Sheila Smith noted that if a teacher is requesting more than 15 books, then it has to be approved by the school board.
Action: Hold this grant and request Ms. Tabor to revise her proposal and/or obtain school board approval for the book sets.
Advanced Composition Teacher Sara O’Keefe’s grant for $450.00 for a senior composition reader was reviewed. The PTA board recommended approval of this grant. Cathy Farman moved to approve the grant for $450.00 for Ms. O’Keefe to hire a reader. Elizabeth Tinsley seconded the motion. The motion carried with one opposed.
Cap and Gowns
Each year the PTA spends approximately $20.00 on new caps and gowns. Kathy Magrino proposed that all caps and gowns purchased by the PTA should be owned by the PTA, as it is not a good use of PTA funds to keep buying caps and gowns rather than saving the used ones. Kathy called for a motion. Cathy Farman motioned that caps and gowns purchased by the PTA will remain the property of the PTA. Joan Crawford seconded the motion. Motion passed unopposed.
Kathy Magrino presented that parents should decided the color of the graduation caps and gowns. It was suggested that cap and gown, class ring, senior portraits, and all other information could be given to the parents of seniors in one package.
Committee Reports
Parent Ed: Cathy Farman passed out a Parent Ed agenda with the following dates:
- January 22: Marking good Choices for Life/Parent Version of Student Presentation;
- February 18: Beyond High School/Getting your Student Ready for Adulthood;
- March 24: Peer Relationships;
- April 1: Beyond High School/Community College Opportunities;
- April 22: Adolescent Development.
A third book group is starting and they will be reading “The Good
Action: Put on list serve that Librarian Stacy Desideri has purchased the last two copies of The Good Teen for the DSHS library for people who can’t afford to purchase it.
School Climate Committee: Jenny Kobold reported that Mel Lewis has been holding district climate meetings every other month. He is also teaching a class on The Seven Effective Habits for Teens, is starting a Davis Youth Media group. On the third Wednesday of each month, the Climate Committee holds a meeting in the DHS conference room.
Adjourn: Kathy Magrino adjourned the meeting at 8:57 pm.