February 4, 2009
Date: Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Time: 7:30 p.m. to 9:07 p.m.
In Attendance
Kathy Magrino, Susan Nicoll, Elizabeth Tinsley, Joan Crawford, Sheila Smith, Candice Wong, Leslie Brumer, Tammy Smith, Cathy Farman, Madeline Brattesani, Christina Parno, Jenny Kobold, R. Stille, Stacey Black, Dorian Signori.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by President Kathy Magrino
Election of the Nominating Committee
Joan Crawford presented the nominating committee: Cathy Farman, Leslie Brumer, and Tammy Smith. The alternates are Susan Nicoll and Elizabeth Tinsley.
Third & B Report
Candace Wong presented on behalf of 3rd & B. To help increase the presence of 15 to 18 year olds in their organization, they are holding a “Battle of the Bands”, aimed directly at that age group. Each band must have at least one Davis High School student as a member. The group is looking for additional bands to perform, and will extend the application deadline, if necessary. Riley agreed to pass along some high school band information to the group.
Student Reports
Riley S., senior, was the only student representative present. The senior class is having its first dance, “Let’s Glow Crazy”, on February 13. This is a black light themed dance and all students will be requested to wear white. “Break the Record” is also that night. The Senior Ball will be held in May. He junior and sophomore class presidents were absent.
Teacher Reports
Ms. Bruch: The Drama Dept. is in rehearsal with a cast of 50 for our upcoming production on The Laramie Project about the effects of the hate-crime murder of Matthew Shepard on the town of Laramie, Wyoming. The show is rated PG-17 for intense content and some offensive language
Mr. Zinn: The DHS Jazz Choir will hold its 21st Annual Cabaret Dinner at the Emerson Jr. High Indoor Commons this Saturday and Sunday evenings. Both shows are sold out!
Ms. Press: They need used cell phones, ink jet cartridges and non remanufactured laser cartridges for their ongoing, year round fundraiser. They can be dropped off anytime at her office. She can be contacted at: dpress@djusd.k12.ca.us.
Mr. Pasquale: The Math Dept. was unable to obtain $226 to host the American Mathematics Competition. They have administered this test to about 100 students every year for the last few decades.
Action: The PTA has already made arrangements to fund the money needed for this exam.
Mr. Ronneberg: A group of DHS Students built a Hovercraft. Please vote for them in the Kings Intel Engineering Challenge as they compete against other Sacramento area schools.
Action: Info to go out on PTA Listserver.
Amy Schulte: Reported on the Ag Dept. upcoming Valentine's fundraising
Communications Committee:
Elizabeth Tinsley reported that Kathy Magrino will be the Class of 2012 Listserver Administrator. Registrations for the list began mid January and the list will officially open February 19th. All subscribers will automatically be subscribed to the DHS PTA Listserver on July 1, 2009.
Principal Report
Michael Cawley was absent; no report was given.
Vice Principal Report:
Sheila Smith passed out Draft #6 of the new Tardy Policy and a three page Independent Study PE handout, which included the Petition for Independent Lifetime Sports.
Approval of January Minutes
The January minutes were approved with the following change: Under Student Report, “The class made $22,000.00 from the Prom, not $2,000.00.
Mid Year Audit
Leslie Brumer reported the mid year audit has been completed. Leslie ahs examined the financial records of the treasurer of DSHS PTA and found them correct.
Treasurer’s Report
The PTA voted to approve a $1,000.00 grant for the English Department LCD projector, and also voted to move $500 from Awards to Hospitality for a Teacher Appreciation activity.
Grant Update
Kathy Magrino reported that the PTA is continuing the “Drive One For Our School” fundraiser which will go towards funding the technology grants. Hanlees Auto will donate $20.00 to the DHS PTA each time a student test drives a vehicle. They will donate $100.00 for every car sold. The LCD projector for the L building English Department was approved.
Committee Reports
Parent Ed: Cathy Farman passed out a Parent Ed agenda with the following dates:
February 18: Adrian Ruiz, co-Executive Director of the Youth Development Network (YDN) will present: “Beyond High School/Getting your Student Ready for Adulthood” in the DHS Library from 7:30-9:00;
March 10: There will be a Community Forum on Teen Substance Abuse, sponsored by DJUSD and Community Counseling collations. It will be held at the Veteran’s Memorial from 1:00 through 9:00.
March 24: Karin Anderson will present “Peer Relationships” at Harper Junior High School from 7:30-9:00;
April 1: Don Palm, Dean Sacramento City College Davis Center will present: Beyond High School/Community College Opportunities” in the DHS Library from 7:30-9:00;
April 22: Dr. Michael Wilkes will present “Adolescent Development” in the DHS
Library from 7:30-9:00.
School Climate/HRC
Jenny Kobold: Mel Lewis is teaching a class on The Seven Effective Habits for Teens. On the third Wednesday of each month, the Climate Committee holds a meeting in the DHS conference room.
Adjourn: Kathy Magrino adjourned the meeting at 9:02 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Dorian Signori.