March 4, 2009
Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Time: 7:30 p.m. to 9:02 p.m.
In Attendance
Kathy Magrino, Susan Nicoll, Elizabeth Tinsley, Joan Crawford, Fern O’Brien, Carl Vandagruff, Will Wallace, Kevin McGrew, J. Linley, Spencer B., Jane Schafer-Kramer, Susan Hulsizer, Sandra Schickele, Sheila Smith, Candice Wong, Leslie Brumer, Cathy Farman, Jenny Kobold, Riley S., Stacey Black.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Kathy Magrino. Introductions were made by all.
Approval of February Minutes
The February minutes were approved with the following changes:
In Attendance—Riley’s last name was omitted.
Student Reports—He was replaced by “The” in last sentence.
Teacher Reports, Ms. Bruch—The Laramie Project is PG 13 not PG 17.
Teacher Reports, Mr. Pasquale—The board hasn’t funded the Math Competition tests, but will vote tonight on the request.
A motion was made by Jane Schafer-Kramer to approve the March minutes with the above corrections. The motion was seconded by Susan Nicoll and approved by All.
Third & B Report—Candace Wong
The Battle of the Bands event is scheduled for March 28, 2009 at 8:00 p.m. and is open to all Davis High School students. Six local bands with high school students are scheduled to play at the event.
This Spring Break, the Teen Center Staff will take high school students to Southern California to check out 6-7 schools and get a feel of Southern California. The destinations are UC Los Angeles, University of Southern California, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine, and UC Santa Cruz. The cost for the trip is $399 per student and includes transportation, lodging and breakfast and dinner. Students are on their own for lunch. If you would like more information, there is a parent night on March 15 at 7pm at the Teen Center.
Student Reports
Spencer B. and Riley S. reported for the senior and sophomore classes. There are many upcoming events for students:
Youth in Government—Program is a partnership between Davis High Student Government and the City of Davis. Youth in Government provides a unique opportunity for interested juniors and seniors to experience first hand the everyday duties of City of Davis officials. Positions range from City Manager to Fire Chief to School Superintendent. In addition to these positions, five slots are available to shadow City Council members, and another five available to shadow School Board representatives. Participants shadow their official, and on the following day hold a mock City Council Meeting, with the Student City Council conducting the proceedings. Please encourage your student to apply for Youth in Government 2009, a special chance to learn about the mechanics of self-governance and to obtain a peek into what the real world has in store. Applications, available in Room C-4, are due Wednesday, April 1 back to room C-4 or to Brett Stone's mailbox.
Senior Ball—The Senior Ball will be held on May 9, 2009 at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Sacramento. The event runs from 6pm – 12 am, bids will include your meal and as of yet the total price in undetermined. The themes being discussed are possibly Moroccan or a Masquerade. Kathy Magrino asked if the 2010 class would consider hosting the senior ball at a location in Davis. Student leaders responded that this is always a possibility, but that student polling has showed that students want to leave their hometown for the senior celebration.
Sophomore Hosted Dance—There will be a third school dance on April 24 to benefit the sophomore class. There will now be three dances each year for all students, one benefiting each class, excluding Senior Ball.
Break the Record Night—Event was a success and the record was broken with approximately 511 people in attendance.
Black Light Dance—The dance was a success and the feedback from staff and students was positive. The senior classes profit from the event was $5,000.
Mr. Blue Devil—Event will be held on April 13, 2009. The cost for the event will be $2.00 per person. Senior and junior male students are being nominated to participate in this event. The categories for judging will include; formal wear, casual wear, talent, interview and escort. There will be three winners and students, parents and community members are invited to attend.
Academy Award Movie Night—DHS AND DaVinci are joining together to host this event in April 2009. Students will submit their own created short film to viewed and judged.
Powder Puff—One senior girl team and one junior girl team will be coached by football players from their class in a flag football game. The student government is looking for a new location for this event since the football field will be unavailable at that time.
Upcoming events—Student versus Staff Basketball Game, Prom Dress Drive and Motivational Speaker Tyler Durman on March 20th.
Clicker Technology—Eric Bastin
Eric Bastin gave a presentation on the “Clicker Technology” that he uses in his science classrooms. The various types of this technology are being evaluated by DJUSD. Clickers are polling devices used to facilitate interactive learning by all students. They allow real-time collection of data that can immediately be used by a teacher to address areas of learning where students are showing a lack of understanding. They can be utilized for attendance, grading book recording, assessment on homework and exams, student polls and checking for understanding. The system previewed by the PTA was the e-instruction System and costs around $2600.
Teacher Reports—Amy Schulte
Ms. Schulte was ill, no report given.
Principal Report
Michael Cawley was absent; no report was given.
Vice Principal Report—Sheila Smith
Ms. Smith introduced the new Davis Police Department School Resource Officer, Dan LaFond. Officer LaFond will be working with all secondary schools and is currently evaluating how much time and what support is needed at each school. He will act as the liaison between the Davis PD and schools. This will help to establish a consistency in response despite which officer arrives on-site. Students are responding very positively to Officer LaFond and he is working on establishing relationships with students. He is also formulating a plan on ways to connect with students during the summer. If your students have any questions, please have them email Officer LaFond at
- AP exams on sale this week
- Administered the EAP and had 100+ students participate
- Thursday 3/12/09 is Articulation Day/students are on a modified schedule
Counselor’s Report—Will Wallace
Currently program planning is going on for 9th – 11th graders. The electronic version of the planner information given to students is available on the DHS website. CHOICES is beginning for all 10th grade students. They will be slated into the schedule based on student’s English class. Senior class cap and gowns are still needed in various sizes. Discussion was had on the best ways to communicate this information beyond the current parent population and into the community. Suggestions were made to ask Blue and White to post something, contact Davis Freecycle or the Davis Enterprise. Donated gowns may be dropped off at the Counseling dept.
PTA Executive Board Slate 2009-2010—Leslie Brumer
Leslie Brumer presented the officer slate for the 2009-2010 PTA Executive Board.
Executive Vice President—vacant
1st Vice President—vacant
2nd Vice President—vacant
Secretary—Dorian Signori
Treasurer—Sandra Schickele
Financial Secretary—Stacey Black
Treasurer’s Report—Stacey Black
Most of the grant money has been allocated. There is approximately $2400 remaining to be spent.
Nugget Scrip cards are generating about $100-150 per month.
Mr. Pasquale has requested that the PTA purchase the needed test materials for the American Math Competition in the amount of $226. The test was slated to be given on 2/26/09. At this time, we are unsure if the funds have been spent or are still needed.
A motion was made by Cathy Farman that we donate the funds needed for the American Math Competition, if still needed. The motion was seconded by Joan Crawford and approved by ALL.
Cathy Farman brought up a question from a DHS cheerleader parent. They are concerned that the cheer group is required to provide and purchase homecoming decorations. Kathy Magrino stated that the PTA does not fund clubs or groups.
Action—Sheila Smith volunteered to look into this issue and find out if the decorations might be able to be funded by ASB.
School Climate/HRC—Jenny Kobold
Their committee is in the very beginning stages of planning Human Relations Week. They are considering “poverty” as a possible theme for the week. Mel Lewis will be providing more information at a later time. The student radio show is going well; don’t forget to listen on KDRT 95.7 Wednesdays 5-6pm.
Action—Mel Lewis needs 5 parents to sit on a panel providing feedback regarding the characteristics they would like to see in the new DHS Principal. Kathy Magrino, Jane Schafer Kramer, Sandra Schickele, Joan Crawford and Leslie Brumer volunteered to attend the meeting..
Committee Reports
.Parent Ed—Cathy Farman reminded us of the following parent education dates.
3/10 Drug and Substance Abuse Seminar at Veterans Memorial 7-9pm
3/24 Teen Peer Relationships at Harper Junior High 7:30-9:00pm
4/1 Don Palm, Dean Sacramento City College Davis Center will present: Beyond High School/Community College Opportunities in the DHS Library 7:30-9:00pm. Note their will be a short PTA meeting at 7:00
4/22 Dr, Michael Wilkes will present Adolescent Development in the DHS Library 7:30-9:00pm
New Business—
Kevin McGrew—DHS Grad Night Fundraising Chair
Mr. McGrew provided the PTA with an update on the grad night plans. Approximately 60% of seniors have purchased tickets for this event. This is on target based on previous years. There are scholarships available for students in need. Business that donate to the Grand Night event are provided a sign to place in their window letting the community know that they are a donor. Please be a patron to these generous businesses. Mary Velinsky is the volunteer coordinator for this event. On 3/28 there will be a fundraiser at Applebees Restaurant, please come out and support this event. If you have any questions, please contact Kevin McGrew at or297-0778.
Adjourn: Kathy Magrino adjourned the meeting at 9:04 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Elizabeth Tinsley, DSHS Executive VP