December 3, 2008
Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Time: 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
In Attendance
Kathy Magrino, Susan Nicoll, Joan Crawford, Robyn Best, Carl Vandagniff, Valarie Greenough, Sheila Smith, Jane Schafer Kramer, J. Weber, Lucia Kaiser, Elizabeth Tinsley, Hamid Shirazi, Maryam Haghbin, Mike McDermott, Cathy Farman, J. Kobold, Amy Schulte, Sheri Khodayari, Stacey Black, Michael Cawley, Riley S., Courtney Tessler, Dorian Signori.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by President Kathy Magrino
Approval of November Minutes
Minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and approved.
Student Reports
J. Weber, representative for the junior class, indicated a need for an electrician for the Junior Prom. She also stated they need parent volunteers. Vice-Principal Sheila Smith said the electrician must be a district electrician. Only 30 prom tickets have not sold. Senior class president Riley S. said the senior class is working out the details for the following events: A dance on February 13th, the Senior Ball in May, and the June 12th class graduation. Additionally, he said the student government has decided there will be a dance on April 14th, which will be sponsored by all three classes. The sophomore class president was absent.
Treasurer’s Report – Budget
Stacy Black presented an electronic report. Checks have gone out for student aid, the directory expenses, stamps, and other items. A total of $11,000.00 has been distributed to the school: One check for $10,000.00 went to the school for paper and supplies, and $1,000.00 went to Friendship Days. Stacy requested a motion to ratify the two outgoing checks. Kathy made a motion and Elizabeth seconded. The motion carried unanimously. The PTA also supports the after school programs by providing snacks. Nugget Scrip has started to come in. The PTA currently has over $27,000.00 in the bank.
Action: Shop at The shopper can designate DSHS PTA as a recipient.
Grant Request Approval
Kathy Magrino presented three grants:
Ø $721.65 grant request from Kelly Wilkerson. She needs voice recorders for her Journalism and her “This I Believe” programs. The “This I Believe” programs is a joint program with UC Davis ;
Ø $1,200 grant request from Kelly Wilkerson for her EL program, which is a scholarship fund for a student trip to Monterey; ;
Ø $350.00 grant request from Sarah O’Keefe, English Department, for readers for her class’ senior research papers in January.
After much discussion, it was decided to fund the first two grants, but to table the third in order to gather more information. Jane Shafer Kramer motioned to fund the first two grants. Lucia Kaiser seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Stacy Black proposed that the PTA add a 5% contingency to each grant request to cover extra taxes, shipping, etc. Stacy moved to approve the grants, Joan Crawford seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Stadium Support
Mike McDermott, President of the Blue and White Foundation, was present in order to answer any questions regarding his request for the PTA to support the new DSHS stadium. Dorian Signori made a motion to support the Blue and White Foundation’s improvement of the DSHS stadium. Cathy Farman seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Principal’s Report
Principal Cawley relayed that the DSHS Cross Country team won three sectional titles; they took first in all seven categories entered. Boys Water Polo won, as well. The new tardy policy is still under development. Mr. Cawley indicated that some teachers have a stricter tardy policy than others, and they are working to make the policy more uniform.
Vice-Principal’s Report
Vice-Principal Sheila Smith said there would be a meeting tomorrow regarding Independent Study P.E. No information regarding a new P.E. policy could be obtained until the meeting occurred.
Counselor’s Report
Courtenay Tessler gave a detailed report regarding “ACES”: Academic Coaching Empowering Success. This year, the school took one Basic English 10 class/World Civ and turned it into an ACES class for at risk kids. It was very successful, and next year they will also have an ACES class for English 11. She reported on the upcoming Washington D.C. trip.
Teacher Reports
Amy Schulte reported that the DSHS debate team won the varsity first place trophy. The Model Un team won first place. There are several upcoming field trips in the Ag department: A trip to a sheep ranch, one to the Nimbas Fish Hatchery, and one to the Yolo Land Fill. The Center for Land Based Learning will be planting more native plants. The Ag Department sold over $1,600.00 in trees.
Committee Reports
Parent Ed: Cathy Farman reported that Sally Springer will return on January 14 for an intimate book talk. The theme for the February program will be positive youth development. The topic for the April 1 meeting will be “Community College as an Option.” On April 22, Dr. Michael Wilkes will speak about adolescent development.
School Climate: Jenny absent. Her daughter Jessica presented that Human Relations Week will be held in the spring.
Adjourn: Kathy Magrino adjourned the meeting at 9:03 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Dorian Signori.