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November 5, 2008





Date:  Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Time:          7:30 p.m. to 9:03 p.m.


In Attendance

Kathy Magrino, Cathy Farman, Joan Crawford, Susan K. Nicoll, Stacey Black, Sheila Smith, Mike Cawley, Madeline Brattesani, Spencer B., Dorian Signori, Amy Schulte, Elizabeth Tinsley, Leslie Brumer, Torryn T., Caitlyn Hughes, Mike McDermott, Rochelle Swanson, Linda Preciado.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Kathy Magrino


Welcome and Introductions

Introductions were made all around, including parents in attendance.


Third and B Street Representative – Not on the Agenda

Caitlyn Hughes, the coordinator for teen activities at 3rd and B, presented.  Ms. Hughes wanted input from the PTA on how 3rd and B can improve their outreach to the teen community.  She described one of their programs, the Golden Heart Awards, which recognizes teens who have overcome hardship.    


Approval of October Minutes   

Minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and approved.


Student Reports

Sophomore class president, Spencer B. has started a sports recognition committee.  They plan to have two divisions for every sport.  The senior class representative said that the senior class is having a canned food drive for the Yolo County Food Bank.  The junior class was not represented.



Stacy Black presented the good news that we have more income than was originally budgeted.


Grant Request Approval

Shirley Concolino was absent.  Kathy Magrino presented the various approved grants, including: 

Ø  $10,000.00 for paper to the entire staff ;

Ø  $375.00 -  Fashion Texts for Home Economics;  Jeanne Pettigrew ;

Ø  $400.00 - Laser printer for Drama; Gwyneth Bruch;

Ø  $250.00 - Friendship Days; Kevin Williams; (This brings the total grant for Friendship Days to $1,000.00);

Ø  $500.00 - Office necessities for Special Ed.; Debbie Covert;

Ø  $470.51 - Instructional technology enhancements for math; Trish Butler;

Ø  $329.85 - Technology resources for foreign language; Norma Ramirez;

Ø  $361.00  - Overhead projector  for business; Jan Tacheuchi;

Ø  up to $500.00 senior awards night, if no other funding sources.


Stacy Black proposed that the PTA add a 5% contingency to each grant request to cover extra taxes, shipping, etc.  Stacy moved to approve the grants, Joan Crawford seconded.  The motion carried unanimously.


Principal’s Report

Principal Cawley presented an a-g completion rate sheet.  Fifteen students dropped out last year. 


Vice-Principal’s Report

Vice-Principal Sheila Smith administered the PSAT and the SAT the day after Halloween.  The first round of high school exit exams was administered today.  They are in the process of getting the course catalog together.


Counselor’s Report

Linda Preciado reported that November 15th is the first due date for private college applications.  The counselors have been helping seniors with their letters of Recommendation.  Public university applications are due by November 30.  The quarter grades are all in.


Teacher Reports

Amy Schulte reported that the Model UN team took top honors in each committee. 


Committee Reports

School Climate:  Jenny absent.

Parent Ed:  Cathy Farman is still working on a proposed topic for the February Parent Ed night.  She presented two ideas:  Positive youth development or, alternatives for kids who are not on a four year college track.  Madeline moved to approve both Parent Ed topics.  Elizabeth Tinsley seconded.  The motion carried unanimously.


Blue and White Foundation

Mike McDermott of the Blue and White Foundation presented.  The foundation raises money for any projects that DSHS needs.  Currently, they are raising money to build a new multi-purpose stadium at DSHS.  Mr. McDermott asked the PTA for their support.

  • Action:  PTA will vote in their December meeting to support the Blue and White Foundation stadium efforts or not.



Kathy Magrino informed us that all of the snack bar grills were stolen.


Adjourn:  Kathy Magrino adjourned the meeting at 9:03 pm.


Respectfully submitted by Dorian Signori.