May 6, 2009
Date: Wednesday May 6, 2009
Time: 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
In Attendance
Kathy Magrino, Elizabeth Tinsley, Joan Crawford, Leslie Brumer, Madeline Brattesani, Stacey Black, Jane Shafer-Kramer, Sheila Smith, Spencer B., Lea Darrah, Mike Cawley, Dorian Signori.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by President Kathy Magrino No introductions were made. There were only eight members present; consequently, there was no quorum.
Approval of Minutes: Dorian Signori
The March Minutes were approved with the following change:
Approval of February Minutes: March was changed to February.
Jane Shafer Kramer motioned to approve the minutes. Joan seconded and approved by all.
School Climate Report
Jenny Kobold was absent. This week is Human Relations week, and the theme is poverty.
Student Reports
Spencer B., sophomore class president, reported for all three classes, as the senior and junior class presidents were absent. April was a very busy month. Students participated in “Youth in Government”, and “Capture the Flag” was very successful. The Senior Ball is Saturday, May 9, and today was the last day to buy a ticket. They are close to a sell-out. Upcoming events include the Double Day Car Show on May 20. Twenty-four cars are entered. Also, junior girls will face the senior girls in the upcoming Powder Puff game.
There was a great deal of discussion in regard to the Senior Ball, which is being held at the Sheraton Hotel in Sacramento this year. Kathy Magrino indicated that many parents would like to bring future Senior Balls back to Davis and use the UCD facilities. Sheila Smith reported that a meeting is planned with Alma at UCD to discuss the options. Stacey Black said that the Senior Ball contract should have more information on it, i.e., what time the doors open, dinner start time, etc. Spencer B. reported that they are looking to have the contract available online, and that Student Government is also looking at the ARC, Freeborn Hall, and possibly the new Hyatt as potential sites.
Principal’s Report
Mike Cawley reported that Star Testing took place last week, and that AP tests are occurring this week. The S.A.T. is Saturday, May 9. The athletic department is getting ready for playoffs; baseball playoffs start tonight. There are several musical performances coming up, as well. Additionally, the stadium is “Back on Track”, and Blue and White Foundation is selling benches, bricks, etc. to donors, online to raise funds.
Teacher Report
Amy Schulte reported that Librarian Stacey Desideri won a grant of 17 classic books as part of the “We the People” contest. DHS and DaVinci High School both won out of 4,000 entries. Teacher Janice Candelaria’s Spanish 3 class made puppets and performed for North Davis and Cesar Chavez. Lance Gunnerson is working with Consumnes River College on an articulation program. The Ag department is also working on this, as well, so that students who take the ROP classes at DHS will receive junior college credit.
Physics teacher Zack Ronnenberg’s students entered the Rube Goldberg contest at the UCD Picnic Day. His students won the competition, beating two UCD teams. Wayne Raymond forgot to order the National Science League exams and needs $140.00. He is requesting the funds from the science department, but if he doesn’t receive the money, he will send the tests back. Kathy Magrino indicated that the PTA needs to know how many kids these tests will effect before they can approve the funding. Lastly, Amy Schulte reported that the Ag Department sent out a news letter. Their upcoming banquet will be held at Harper Junior High. She also reported that 15 Ag Department kids attended the state convention this spring. Additionally, Amy is the onsite representative for World Link, and they are looking for host families for foreign exchange students. Most of the students come from former Soviet countries and have earned the right to participate in the program. It is a 10 month commitment.
Vice-Principal’s Report
Sheila Smith reported that the first Senior Assembly on graduation behavior went well. During Star testing this week, drawings were held involving all three classes. Three IPODs and 20 gift cards were given out to students who participated. These items were purchased with testing money. Last Friday, there was a categorical program mock site visit. The team, consisting of eight people, came in and looked at DHS’s EL program. The mock review gave some constructive criticism. There will be a real review next year.
Master Scheduling will start on May 14. Kathy Magrino would like a parent to be there, and suggested that incoming PTA President, Lea Darrah, attend. Carol Curringa, Sheila Smith, and Will Wallace will attend Zangle training. Zangle is supposed to fix the multiples. Zangle is replacing SASSY as the new student information system.
Counselor’s Report
Courtney Tessler thanked the PTA for the wonderful breakfast they provided. She also thanked the PTA for the Open House name tags. Stacey requested the bills for the tags. The tags were made at the district office and Courtney will send the PTA the bill. In regard to Caps and Gowns, Courtney has tried to have some recycled. Jostens gave DHS 15 this year; they used to give 20. She has two extras, but all graduates seem to have what they need. There will be a box at grad night so that graduates can donate their gowns to next year’s class. Stacy said that, in addition to recycling, we need an inventory of sizes. More help is needed to hand out sizes to the kids.
The Choices and Naviance demonstrations are both set for next week on Thursday, from 1-3 and 3-5 p.m. Parents are welcome. Courtney would actually like about 20 parents. Transition English, Avid, and EL students will be sent to rate the programs next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, in the Career Center. The results will be released on Friday.
Action: Parent participation request will be put out on the listserve. The first 20 parents to respond will be allowed to go.
The counseling department would like DHS students to expand their college application options. Most of the kids apply to the same few schools. Many were rejected and though they appealed, only six appeals were passed. Courtney reported that there were more rejections than ever from private schools. The UC’s are so competitive that she is recommending juniors to seriously consider “safe schools”; schools where a student has a higher GPA and SAT score than the school requires.
Lea Darrah, the new PTA president, reported that the Career Center will probably be cut per the district cuts. The Career Center helps with scholarships, scheduling college visits, etc. It requires 30 hours of clerical per week. Sheila Smith said that the 30 hours will be distributed among the counselors and that the Career Center will not close.
09-10 PTA Executive Board Update and Election
Kathy Magrino reported that Lea Darrah will take over as PTA President for the 09-10 school year. Nora Shimota will be Financial Secretary. Since there was no quorum, the board could not vote to approve these positions. At the first official board meeting in July, the board will approve Lea’s election. Stacy relayed that the board elect can meet anytime and approve her election.
Treasurer’s Report
Stacy Black reported that the PTA received $120.00 from Nugget. She is continuing to try and get the grants funded, including the clickers and the over-head projector. After school snacks have been paid up to their $500.00 limit. Hospitality will be having their teacher appreciation lunch in May, so they will be using up their budget dollars. The newsletter is not costing as much as last year. The Student Aid budget dollars will also be spent.
The PTA Executive Board has approved $200.00 requested by Mr. Williams for a singer/entertainer who sings 43 songs for the 43 U.S. presidents. Ford has sent $680.00 for the 34 test drives at Hanlee’s. It will be combined with the Hanlee’s dollars. These funds must be earmarked for technology for next year.
A DHS parent, who is a state employee, pledged $240.00 to the PTA through the United Way. Stacey wrote a thank you note to the parent and suggested that we should let parents know via the listserve that these opportunities are available.
Parent Ed
Cathy Farman was absent.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Dorian Signori.