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September 3, 2008





Date:  Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Time:          7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.



In Attendance:  Kathy Magrino, Elizabeth Tinsley, Cathy Farman, Susan K. Nicoll, Sue Irwin, Stacey Black, Leslie Brumer, Susan Hulsizer, Maureen Brody, Mary Halls, Mary Velinsky, Bob Lawson, Brian Rodman, Meg. R., Bob Warner, Jane Shafer-Kramer, Tom McCale, Carol Curinga, Jenny Kobold, Sheila Smith, Mike Cawley, Mark Dietrich, Keith Wheeler, Madeline Brattesani, Miriam Haghbin, Janet Berry, Riley S., Jessica W., Spencer B., Mary Holmes, Dorian Signori,


Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by Kathy Magrino at 7:35 p.m.


Welcome and Introductions:   Introductions were made all around, including parents in attendance.  Teacher Tom McCale stated that the Site Council is looking for two dedicated parents.


Introduction of new V.P.s

Mark Dietrich, 12th Grade Vice-Principal, was introduced and he gave a brief presentation of his background.


Elections and Appointments: 

Kathy Magrino recommended that we have a motion to elect a new secretary for the PTA.  Stacy Black motioned to elect Dorian Signori for the position of secretary.  Sue Irwin seconded motion.  Motion was unanimously approved.


Appointments to be Approved:

Newsletter:  Susan Hulsizer

Listserver Coordinator:  Madeline Brattesani

Volunteer Coordinator:  Grace Salvagno

Student Directory:  Linda Souza

Scholarship/Senior Awards:  Brenda Cameron

Membership:  Susan Nicoll

Hospitality:  Miriam and Cindy

Listserver:  Mary Velinsky, Jane Shafer-Kramer, Elizabeth Tinsley

There was a motion by Cathy Farman that all appointments be approved.  Susan Nicoll seconded motion.  Motion unanimously approved.


Student Reports

Riley S., Senior class president presented the details of Homecoming Week, which is September 29th through October 3.  The Homecoming theme is “Greek Gods”.  The senior class chose Mt. Olympus gods, the junior class chose gods of the sea, and the sophomore class chose gods of the underworld.


Riley presented that the senior class is in need of a large trailer and/or flat bed truck for their float.  Additionally, the homecoming committee is in need of 15 parent volunteers for various activities, including supervising and the construction of float, and the supplying of food and snacks.

Junior Class President:  Jessica W. presented that the junior class is also in need of a trailer, parents to supervise construction of float, and food.

Sophomore Class President:  Spencer B. requested the same.


ACTION:  PTA to put Homecoming information and class requests on listserver.



Joan Crawford was absent; Kathy Magrino presented the changes that had been made (and implemented) to the bylaws, as follows: 

  • President has to keep record of all volunteer hours;
  • Executive Vice-President will oversee communications of the association;
  • Quorum has been increased to 13 from 11;
  • Increased unauthorized expenditures to $1,000.00.

Kathy indicated that the bylaws need to be approved.  Mary Velinsky motioned to approve the bylaws.  Cathy Farman seconded the motion.  The bylaws were approved unanimously.  Every officer and chair will have a copy of the bylaws, and there will be a copy in the library.


Principal’s Report/Truancy and Tardy Policies: 

Truancy/Tardy Policy:  Sheila Smith, 10th Grade Vice-Principal, presented a detailed explanation of DSHS’s current truancy and tardy policies, the new plan, which was instituted last year and is based on Education Code 48205, has been so successful that other schools are looking at it.  Since the plan implementation, attendance has improved 1-2% every month.  About 10% of student body is truant.

During the lengthy discussion, Vice-Principal Smith defined an excused and non excused absence, what is considered truant, the ADA lost due to truancy, and actions that the Vice-Principals are taking to curb and eliminate truancy, including picking students up from their homes and driving them to school.  The Truant policies will be linked to the DSHS website;


ACTION:  Attach Attendance Correction form to the DHS website to make it easier for parents to complete the form.

ACTION:  PTA needs to publicize the Parent Connect registration process in the PTA newsletter.


Principal’s Report:  Principal Mike Cawley thanked Kathy Magrino for participating in the hiring of teachers, including three math teachers.  The API scores were released September 4, 2008; DSHS is 855.  Currently, DSHS has 1,627 students. 


Counselor’s Report: 

Carol Curinga expressed her thanks to the PTA and reported that counselors are in the process of introducing themselves to 10th grade students.  Preparation classes for the PSAT, which will be held on October 18, are being held in the library.  Additionally, there are several college workshops planned for seniors during the school lunch hour.  October 31 is the last day to drop a class.


08-09 Budget Vote:  Stacey Black presented the budget report.  She indicated that income will be down this year, and that we need to fundraise approximately $5,000.00.  Currently, there is an $11,984.00 carryover from last year’s ending balance.  Prospective income for this years is $28,000.00, and expenses will be about $31,000.00; consequently, we will need to access some of the carryover funds  Additionally, the PTA needs to work closely more closely with the Student Tutor budget.  Susan Nicoll made a motion to the pass the budget as presented.  Elizabeth Tinsley seconded the motion.  The budget was passed unanimously.


ACTION:  Fundraise approximately $5,000.00; fundraiser to be determined;

ACTION:  Follow-up with teacher supervising Student Tutor budget;

ACTION:  Advertise Nugget and Savmart Scrip at Back-to-School night.  Have parents give scrip cards to kids to buy their lunch at Savmart and Nugget.



Teacher’s Report:  No teacher present.


Committee Reports:


  • Miriam Haghbin, Hospitality Chair:  Stated she is still collecting information.  She is planning an October breakfast.


  • Madeline Brattesani, Listserver Chair:  Stated she would like to reduce duplicate emails.  The PTA is working on getting parents to sign up for class listserver and the PTA listserver.


ACTION:  Reduce duplication emails and solicit parent sign-up for class and PTA listservers.


  • Susan Nicoll, Membership:  Currently, there are 566 members.


  • Jenny Cobolt, the Human Relations Committee Chair, (also known as the Davis Climate Committee), presented.  She stated her focus is publicity, and her committee meets the third Wednesday of each month from 2:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


  • Susan Hulsizer, Newsletter Chair, would like more people to receive the newsletter electronically.


Parent Education Update:  Cathy Farman said the first Parent Education night will be November 12.  Sally Springer will talk about college admissions. 


Motion to approve June 4th, 2008 minutes by Elizabeth Tinsley.  Motion seconded by Leslie Brumer.  Passed unanimously.


Adjourn:  Kathy Magrino adjourned the meeting at 9:10 pm.


Dorian Signori, Secretary