October 1, 2008
DSHS PTA Association Meeting Agenda
October 1, 2008
7:30pm Call to order and introductions- Kathy Magrino
7:35pm Approval of Minutes from September meeting- Dorian Signori- vote
7:40 pm Friendship Day presentation
7:55pm Student Reports
8:00pm Principal Report- Mike Cawley
8:05pm Vice Principal Report
8:10 pm Counselor Report
8:20 pm Teacher Report- Amy Schulte
8:30 pm Treasurer’s Report- Stacey Black
8:35pm Committees Reports
School Climate- Jenny Kobold
Parent Ed. Cathy Farman
Ways and Means - Shirley Concolino
8:45pm Measure W Presentation- Vote
9:00 pm Adjourn