March 4, 2009
DSHS PTA Association Meeting Agenda
March 4, 2009 7:30 pm
7:30 Call To Order and Introductions – Kathy Magrino
7:33 Approval of Feb minutes
7:35 Teen Center
7:40 Student reports
7:45 Clicker technology presentation
7:50 Teacher Report and Video- Amy Schulte
8:05 Vice Principal’s report
8:15 Counselor’s Report
8:25 Announcement of 09-10 PTA executive board slate- Leslie Brumer
8:30 Treasurer Report- Stacey Black
8:35 School climate/ HRC- Jenny Kobold
8:40 Grant update
8:50 Committee Reports
Parent Ed- Cathy Farman
9:00 Adjourn