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April 1, 2009





Date:  Wednesday April 1, 2009

Time:  7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.


In Attendance

Kathy Magrino, Elizabeth Tinsley, Joan Crawford, Leslie Brumer, Cathy Farman, Madeline Brattesani,  Stacey Black, Jane Shafer-Kramer, Carl Vandagniff, Carol Curringa, Courtenay Tessler, Mike Cawley, Spencer B., Dorian Signori.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by President Kathy Magrino


Approval of Minutes:  Dorian Signori

The March minutes will be approved next month.


Treasurer’s Report

Stacy Black reported that the only expenditure was $85.00 for the newsletter.  PTA continues to make decent money from the “schoolpop” and “onecause” fundraisers.  Stacy has sent emails to all people with outstanding grants to see if they still want them.  There is approximately $2,100.00 in the bank, not including the “Drive One for the School” income.  In addition, Eric Bastin received approval from the district for a set of clickers.  A motion was made by Elizabeth Tinsley to approve $1,000.00 for the new portable classroom clickers; Joan seconded the motion.  The motion carried.   The clickers will belong to the school.  Kathy Magrino asked other teachers if they also would like a set; several said yes.


Student Reports

Spencer B., sophomore class president, reported for all three classes, as the senior and junior class presidents were absent.  Upcoming events include the “Mr. Blue Devil” competition, and tickets are on sale for the third school dance of the year which will take place on April 24.  The theme is “Live in Color.”


Choices Presentation:  Courtenay Tessler

At present, DHS uses the Choices program, which is offered to sophomores and sets them on a course for college and technical training.  This program is on a disc and costs approximately $1,000.00 annually.  The counseling department is currently evaluating two different online programs, (Naviance and Choices), which would replace the disc operated program.  The enormous advantages of these programs are:  All students and parents would have access to it; the course can be worked on at home because it is online; and, an S.A.T. module can be added to it.


Because the funds will no longer be available for the Choices program, Carol Curringa and Courtenay Tessler will request a grant from the PTA.  The new online program with the S.A.T. addition will be approximately $2,100.00 annually.  Kathy Magrino stated that the PTA can only approve this grant for one year; future PTAs will have to approve it annually.


Action:  Ms. Curringa and Ms. Tessler will talk with other schools that use the programs to obtain feedback about the products.  Joan Crawford mentioned that the district would need to approve the new portion.


Mountain Mike’s Fundraiser

Kathy Magrino reported that Mountain Mike’s Pizza wants to have a PTA fundraiser for the month of April.  They are offering DHS students a special of one slice of pizza and one drink for $2.50, every Thursday during the month.  The PTA will receive 20% of each sale.  Stacey Black moved that we accept the fundraising proposition of Mountain Mike’s.  Motion passed unopposed.


Election of the Nominating Committee

Leslie Brumer presented the slate of DHS PTA Executive Board Nominees.  The nominees include Jane Schafer-Kramer as Executive Vice President, Debbie Austin as 1st Vice President, Eve Dunaway as 2nd Vice President, Dorian Signori as Secretary, Sandra Schickele as Treasurer, and Stacey Black as Auditor.  The positions of President and Financial Secretary remain open.

Joan Crawford moved to approve the slate as presented.  Elizabeth Tinsley seconded.  The motion carried.

Action:  Job descriptions for the various board positions, especially for president, need to be created.  Elizabeth Tinsley volunteered to collect some job descriptions.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:31.


Respectfully submitted by Dorian Signor.



Adjourn:  Kathy Magrino adjourned the meeting at 9:02 pm.


Respectfully submitted by Dorian Signori.